Bean for Texas 97th

Cheryl Bean for Texas State Representative District 97


Photo of George Soros

George Soros: Law Enforcement’s Pitfall

Who Is Funding The Defunding?

George Soros’ Open Society Foundations donated at least $35 million in 2021 to various groups and initiatives advocating for police reform and defunding. George Soros’ funding has been going to several organizations focused on overhauling criminal justice. This funding also goes to district attorney candidates with a record of being soft on crime and releasing convicted criminals of repeat offenses. Fox News

Now, Soros’s influence stretches to academia. His funding of the Solidarity Journalism Initiative at the University of Texas at Austin promotes a narrative focused on “solidarity” with marginalized communities. This is not just about supporting journalism students; it’s about teaching yellow journalism to students by telling them to push a specific political agenda instead of facts. I consider that marketing, not news.

As Texans, we must be vigilant about these influences. The values of George Soros are in direct opposition to the conservative, law-abiding principles that have long been the bedrock of our great state. His involvement in our politics represents a clear and present danger to our way of life, particularly concerning law enforcement and the safety of our communities.

The stakes are higher than ever before; we are now guarding the security of our state. We have the right and responsibility to defend ourselves, our borders, and our belief in the United States Constitution. It’s time to recognize and counteract the influence of George Soros, a hidden law enforcement adversary. We must uphold our conservative values and ensure our state remains a symbol of freedom and justice.

George Soros Influencing Texas Politics: The Stealth Shift

As a proud Texan and a staunch conservative, I am deeply concerned about the external influences shaping our state’s political landscape. A prime example of this is the impact of George Soros, a figure known for his liberal agendas and anti-police activism, on Texas politics.

Today, I read: Soros contributed $2,562,000 across several PACs between August and December 2023, making him one of the top 10 contributors in Texas.

Receiving over a million dollars from Soros, the Texas Majority PAC boasts the motto “Let’s turn Texas blue.” The organization seeks to elect statewide Democrat officials by researching the most effective strategies to accomplish this goal. Source: Texas Scorecard

This funding is not just financial support; it’s a strategic move to shift Texas’s political leanings. Moreover, TOP’s involvement in bailing out inmates with severe criminal records raises questions about Soros’s intentions in our justice system.

Defend Constitutional Freedom

I am asking for your support in my campaign and for all true conservative campaigns. Please invest your money, work, and efforts behind conservative candidates like me. Help us reinforce the Texas House with conservative and constitutional values. Texas’ legislature is in dire need of a large majority of constitutional conservatives to defeat the growing liberal movement that wants to take hold of our state. Let’s join hands to pray and fight for our families, our communities, our state, and our country’s future. Together we can, and will, prevail over the extreme liberal agenda of George Soros‘ and others determined to undermine our laws and constitution.