Bean for Texas 97th

Cheryl Bean for Texas State Representative District 97


Leslie Robnett

Leslie Robnett’s, a 6th generation Lawyer, aspires to represent Texas House District 97. She offers a unique blend of legal expertise, lobbying experience, and personal background as a mother, wife of a combat veteran, and a ranch owner. Her main goal is to strengthen and improve the community through legislative action, positioning herself as a strong advocate for the district in Austin.

A Vote for School Choice & Conservative Values

I am Cheryl Beanand I am running for the Texas House of Representatives, District 97 (HD97).  I am a 6th generation Texan and a 3rd generation Aggie, and I have lived in HD97 for over 60 years.  This is where I went to school, built a business, attended church, raised my four children, and is now where most of my 12 grandchildren are growing up. I am the Hometown Candidate.


Like most Americans, I am deeply concerned with America is direction. We seem to have lost our “Moral Compass,” and our Leaders seem more focused on their personal success and wealth than on the safety and welfare of our country and our citizens.  At both the Federal and State levels, Republicans are more focused on fighting each other than they are on the liberal left.


I am running because I AM an “actual” Conservative Christian Republican.  I am NOT running to start a political career or gain professional business advantage.  I feel called to finish my career by giving back to my community and my state to Make Texas a Better, Safer, and more prosperous place to live.  I have the experience, time, and energy and I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! 


 I have two opponents for this seat:  Leslie Robnett (attorney & lobbyist representing special interest groups), John McQueeny (franchise restaurant owner & transportation company owner).  Of the three of us, I believe I will be the most effective representative because …


  • Experience Matters – I have twice as much business experience as my opponents including in both the large corporate world (defense) and the small business world (builder) … all in HD97.
  • History Creates Knowledge – I have resided in HD97 longer than my opponents have been alive and know the people, the schools, and the businesses. I am the only candidate that has consistently voted and has never supported or voted Democrat.
  • Service Record Tells the Truth – Unlike my opponents, my conservative values and involvement started long before I filed for office and is demonstrated by the extensive list of endorsements I have received and the leadership roles I have held. I have also served in leadership on several boards (Public Charter School, MHMR, Builders’ Assoc, GOP Exec Board, Forge Foundation, PTAs) and in many associations (Precinct Chair, Tx Values, TPPF, AFPI, First Liberty, etc.)
  • Values Define the Person – I am the only candidate who has never supported expanding the recreational cannabis industry or gambling in Texas.

Securing the Border – Having spent decades evaluating ways to counter threats in my defense industry career as well as how to build walls & barriers in my construction career, I have a unique experience in securing our broken border. Additionally, I am committed to removing the incentives that are bringing people here illegally such as jobs, free housing, free healthcare, free education, money, and social services.  I will protect Texans from foreign threats such as China claiming our land, as well as the drugs and human trafficking pouring into our state.

Ensuring Citizens’ Votes Count – Having been involved at local, state, and national levels, I will continue to support all methods available to ensure that it is easy for Citizens to Vote but Hard for anyone to Cheat.  Also, I will work towards removing Democrat Chairs in our Republican House and limiting the Speaker’s control so that members return to representing the people vs vying for favors with the Speaker.

Promoting Business Prosperity – As a business founder/owner, I have seen firsthand how high property taxes and regulations burden Texas families and businesses. I know what all size businesses need to be successful and prosperous.

Empowering Parents & Protecting Children – Having been a student, mother, and grandmother of students attending schools in HD97, plus having served on a local public charter school board in HD97, I know firsthand the education issues and the value of giving parents a choice in their

Protecting our Freedoms – As a long-time Christian and Conservative with multiple veterans in my family tree, I am committed to fighting for our Constitutional Freedoms.  I am Pro-Life, Pro-Guns, Pro-speech, Pro-Religious Freedoms.  I Will NOT tolerate government shutdowns.

Who Shares & Supports Cheryl's Vision for Texas

The Cheryl Bean campaign for Texas House District 97 has garnered significant endorsements and support from a wide array of conservative individuals, Political Action Committees (PACs), and organizations underscoring her strong alignment with conservative values and principles

HD97 is a critical race for Texas.  It is part of Tarrant County which is the largest county in the US that is Conservative (Red) and the Democrats know it.   HD97 area is “purple” right now and we are under extreme attack by Geroge Soros and his left-wing mob.  If Tarrant County turns blue, Texas will turn Blue.  If Texas turns blue, the USA will turn blue. We need a strong conservative republican in this seat to ensure that Tarrant County and thus Texas stays Red!

I strongly believe that I can win this race, but don’t take my word for it … so do ALL the major slates (Voter’s Guides) … DFW Conservative Voters (Green Card), True Texas Project, and the Link Letter.

Furthermore, Our Conservative Leaders and Organizations are also supporting me via their Endorsements including:

  • County Judge Tim O’Hare,
  • Attorney General Ken Paxton,
  • Representative Nate Schatzline,
  • Past Representative Matt Krause,
  • Past Tarrant County GOP Chair Rick Barnes,
  • Tarrant County GOP HD97 Area Lead and most Precinct Chairs,
  • Engaged Christian Conservatives Vince and Mona Puente,
  • Texas Values (also awarded me with the Kelly Shackelford Award for the Civilian that did more for Faith Family & Freedom in 2023),
  • Texas Right to Life,
  • Local & State Residential Building PACs, and
  • Hundreds of engaged conservatives in HD97.

Thank you for your consideration.  I am committed to WORK HARD, SPEAK OUT, STAND STRONG, AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE on the House floor in 2025!

Endorsement collage for Cheryl Bean, featuring her campaign logo, images with supporters, and endorsements from 'Texas Right to Life,' the NRA, and individuals like Vince & Ken Paxton and Rick Barnes. The text above thanks supporters for sharing her vision for Texas. The top, text reads, 'Thank You, To All Those Who Share My Vision For Texas; Your Support Is Appreciated.

Texas House District 97 Candidates

In the Texas House District 97 race, voters are presented with two candidates who demonstrate strong commitments to the district. Cheryl Bean, with her lifetime of living and working within the district, 2 decades in the defense industry, and a business owner in the district her experience in education and conservative values aimed at keeping parents empowered for their children. Leslie Robnett, on the other hand, brings a policy-driven platform aimed at diverse energy, security, and justice for its residents.