Bean for Texas 97th

Cheryl Bean for Texas State Representative District 97


Texas School Choice

Texas School Choice

School choice allows families to select the best educational settings for their children, whether they are public, private, charter, magnet, online, or home-based schools.

Understanding School Choice

School choice is a movement that gives parents the freedom to choose their children’s primary educational paths (K-12). Recognizing that each child has unique needs and learning styles and that one type of school may not fit all is vital to the future Texans and the nation. In Texas, as in many other states, the debate around school choice is gaining momentum.

Types of School Choices

      • Public Schools: Traditional schools are funded by local property taxes, state funds, and federal government funds.

      • Public Charter Schools: Publicly funded through state funding but operate independently of the established state school system.

      • Magnet Schools: Funded and operated similarly to public schools with specialized courses or curricula.

      • Private Schools: Independent schools that charge tuition and may have a religious affiliation or unique educational philosophy.

      • Online Academies: Publicly funded and provide education predominantly or entirely online.

      • Homeschooling: Education funded and directed by parents or tutors at home.

    The Case for School Choice in Texas

    Catering to Diverse Needs

    Children, regardless of age, likely have different educational needs and interests. School choice allows the parents to select schools that best align with each child’s unique learning style, interests, and academic needs. For instance, a child interested in science might thrive in a magnet school with a strong STEM focus, while another child from the same household might do better in a smaller, private school setting.

    Improving Educational Outcomes

    Research suggests that school choice can lead to improved educational outcomes. When schools compete for students, they often strive to improve their offerings and teaching methods, leading to higher educational standards. This competition can be particularly beneficial in areas where public schools are underperforming.

    Encouraging Parental Involvement

    School choice empowers the parents and empowers the students. Parents are encouraged to be more engaged and involved with their children’s learning journey by being directly involved in their children’s education. This active participation can be crucial in ensuring that children receive the education that best suits their needs.

    Economic Benefits

    For families with limited financial resources, school choice can be a pathway to accessing higher-quality education that is otherwise unaffordable. Scholarships, vouchers, or tax credit programs can help offset the cost of private schooling or other educational alternatives.

    Challenges and Considerations

    While school choice offers many benefits, it’s not without challenges. Critics argue it can divert funds from public schools, leading to a lack of accountability and uneven quality among schools. We don’t know what hasn’t happened yet. Still, it is important to know that many school districts are already suffering due to the lack of accountability and transparency in allocating their tax dollars. Considering these factors in the broader discussion of implementing school choice in Texas is important.

    What Happened to School Vouchers?

    The Texas House voted to remove school vouchers from a significant education funding bill, marking a setback for Governor Greg Abbott. The amendment won with an 84-63 vote, supported by all Democrats and 21 Republicans who expressed concerns about vouchers draining funds from public schools.

    Governor Abbott had invested seven months in lobbying efforts but failed to sway the opposition significantly. Only four of the previously opposed Republicans changed their stance, resulting in a net gain of three votes for the governor. Despite having previously appeared with Abbott at a pro-voucher rally, Representative Raney played a key role in the amendment’s success against vouchers.

    The Texas Context

    In Texas, Governor Greg Abbott has been a proponent of school choice, as evidenced by his endorsement of House Republicans who supported school choice in an education bill. This political backing highlights the growing momentum for school choice in the state.

    Cheryl Bean is ready to fight for School Choice, recognizing its potential as a game-changer in Texas. This initiative allows families to select schools that best meet their children’s individual needs and learning styles, potentially leading to improved educational outcomes and higher satisfaction with their schooling experience. As the debate around this issue persists, policymakers must acknowledge the varied needs of families and strive for an inclusive, equitable education system that serves the interests of all children in Texas. To ensure a brighter future for our students, it’s time to stand together and advocate for School Choice.